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纳米材料和纳米结构 溶胶-凝胶法 Sol-gel Processing 第五讲 1 General Introduction(综合简介) 1、Based on inorganic olymerization reactions(基于 无机聚合反应) 2、Used to prepare inorganic oxides, such as glasses or ceramics, 3、especially multi-component systems(用于制备无机氧化物,如玻璃陶瓷,尤其是多组分体系。) Being able to control the structure on nanoscale from the earlieststages of processing (可以在最初加工阶段中控制纳米量级结构。) 5、Easy to obtain nanostructured grains with compositional homogeneity(组分均匀性) , higher purity, lower processing temperatures over both conventional ceramic processing And traditional glass melting by controlling the chemical additives(添加剂) and processing (在较低的温度下使用传统的陶瓷加工或玻璃融化来控制化学添加剂和工艺可以很容易的生长获得组分均匀地纳米结构,且纯度较高。) 6、Without adopting vacuum conditions(不必限定在真空环境。) Principles(基本原则) The sol-gel technique to material synthesis is based on some organic precursors (用溶胶凝胶法合成材料是基于有机先驱物), and the gels may form by network growth from an array of discrete particles or by formation of an interconnected 3D net work by the simultaneous hydrolysis and polycondensation(缩聚作用) of organometallic(有机金属) Precursors(凝胶剂的形成可用离散的粒子点阵的网格生长或有机金属进行3D网格联合缩聚反应). The size of the sol particles depend upon some variable factors such as pH value, solution composition, and temperature etc..(溶胶粒子的大小取决于PH值、溶解度和温度等因素的影响) By controlling the experimental conditions, one can obtain the nanostructured target materials in the form of powder or thin film.(通过控制实验条件可以获得粉末或薄膜形式的纳米结构目标材料) 2 Experimental Approach(实验方法) Based on the difference of the used precursors, the sol-gel processing is roughly divided into three groups (根据先驱物的不同,溶胶凝胶法加工处理可大致分为以下三种): Silica(二氧化硅)sol-gel processing Metal alkoxide(金属醇盐)processing Pechini-type(电输运) processing 2.1 Silica Sol-Gel Processing(二氧化硅溶胶凝胶加工) The silica sol-gel processing could be divided into three steps: hydrolysis and polycondensation, gelation and drying.(二氧化硅溶胶凝胶加工可分为:水解缩聚、冻结、晒干) Step 1 Hydrolysis and Polyc


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