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第37 卷第1期 中 国 科 学 技 术 大 学 学 报 Vol. 37, No. 1 2 0 0 7 1 JOURNAL OF UNIVERSIT Y OF SCIENCE AND T ECHNOLOGY OF CHI NA Jan. 2 0 0 7 :025-3 2778(2007)0-1 00 13-07 * 张 鲲, 孙红灵, 陈海波, 张培强 (, , 230027) :在传统浮筏隔振系统的弹性筏架上附加动力吸振器以 高系统的隔振性能. 以功率流为指 标, 从理论上分析了方法的有效性. 利用结构导纳综合法建立了有、无动力吸振器的弹性浮筏隔振 系统模型;通过考察功率流传递特性, 从能量的观点分析比较了相应复杂耦合隔振系统的隔振性 能;通过算例探讨了吸振器的类型、安装位置和结构参数等因素对浮筏隔振系统隔振性能的影响. :动力吸振器;浮筏系统;功率流;隔振 :TB53   :A Power flow analysis of floating raft systems with dynamic vibration absorbers ZHANG Kun, SUN Hong-ling, CHEN Ha-i bo, ZHA NG P -i qiang (CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical B ehavior and Desig n of Materials, Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Eng ineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hef ei 230027) Abstract:T o improv th isolation p rformanc of th conv ntional floating raft sy st m, dynamic vibration absorb rs (DVAs)w r appli d in th sy st m. By using pow r flow as th p rformanc ind x, th validity of th m thod w as v rifi d th or tically. Th math matical mod ls of th compl x coupl d syst m w ith / without th DVAs w r r aliz d by ass mbling th mobility matric s of th subsyst m s. Th n th pow r flow transmission charact ristics of th coupl d syst m w ith/w ithout th DVA s w r inv stigat d to valuat and compar th isolation p rformanc from th point of vi w of vibration n rgy transmission. Num rical simulations w r p rform d to xplor th influ nc of s v ral param t rs, such as th s tting positions, typ s, damping and mass of th DVA s, on th pow r flow transmission of th floating raft sy st m w ith DVA s. Key words:dynamic vibration absorb r;floating raft syst m;pow r flow ;vibration isolation


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