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九逸作品 A way that can be the Way, is not the usual way. A name that can be a name, is an unusual name. 道可道,非常道。 名可名,非常名。 The native religion of China: Taoism made by:wangfei origin 梵 音 灵 空 响 心 定 禅 归 一 The origin of Taoism 道教的起源 万 物 众 生 像 浮 尘 空 飘 逸 Taoism is the only native religion of China, It originated in the late Eastern Han Dynasty,created by Zhang Doling. Dating back 1800 years of history. History The history of Taoism 心 The history of Daoism is as old as the history of religion in China. Much of Taoist religion comes from Chinese folk religion. Buddhist ideas were adopted, and ideas of Confucian philosophy were added. Confucius is said to have been born about the year 550 BC. It was a time of political turmoil and war. Historians differ about when Laozi was born or if he even existed. He may have been a contemporary of Confucius or he may have lived about 380 BC. During the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago, the philosophy of Daoism developed with the Dao De Jing and the Zhuangzi recognized as the main texts Towards the end of the Tang Dynasty, emperors favored Taoism and claimed that Laozi was a relative. But they were against Buddhism that had grown very powerful and also against Nestorian Christianity. They repressed what they called “foreign religions.” Later, some Song Dynasty emperors promoted Daoism. Then Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism was synthesized in what is called the Neo-Confucian school. During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus favored Tibetan Buddhism and Confucia nism. Taoism was in disfavor with the ruling class, but folk religion continued until the 20th century. 二 生 三 三 生 万 物 举 道 生 一 一 生 二 Beliefs of Taoism 道教的信仰 道法自然 The corn question of Taoism research is relationship which between man and nature. Taoism respect for nature, Pursue harmony between man and nature. Inaction (without action, wuwei, 无为) is the general goal. It involves not applying


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