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Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医学, 2017, 6(1), 1-6 Published Online February 2017 in Hans. /journal/tcm /10.12677/tcm.2017.61001 Progress of Research on Blood-Activating and Stasis-Resolving Medical Insects in TCM 1 2* 3 Jia Xu , Yunpeng Luo , Jing Wang 1 School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 2 Institute of Tumour Pathophysiology, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 3 Shanghai Billion-Health Management Company Chongqing Company, Chongqing th th th Received: Jan. 20 , 2017; accepted: Feb. 10 , 2017; published: Feb. 14 , 2017 Abstract This review article collects and analyzes the medical insects of activating blood-circulation to re- move blood-stasis in pharmacological effects and clinical application as well as explores the pros- pects for medical uses of some common TCM insects. It shows traditional Chinese medicine insect has an effect on anticoagulant and antithrombotic action as well as blood-rheology improving. On the other hand, it is good at cardiocerebral vascular diseases and thrombotic diseases. So we should expand the clinical applications of insect drugs and have a positive outlook on traditional Chinese medicine insects. Keywords Traditional Chinese Medicine Insect, Promoting Blood-Circulation and Removing Blood-Stasis, Antithrombotic 活血化瘀虫类中药应用研究进展 1 2* 3 许 佳 ,骆云鹏 ,王 静 1重庆医科大学中医药学院,重庆 2重庆医科大学肿瘤病理生理学研究室,重庆 3上海亿保健康管理公司重庆健顺公司,重庆 收稿日期:2017年1月20 日;录用日期:2017年2月10 日;发布日期:2017年2月14 日 摘 要 本文为探讨某些常用昆虫药医用前景,通过收集分析其活血化瘀药理作用及临床应用现状,表明药用昆 *通讯作者。 文章引用: 许佳, 骆云鹏, 王静. 活血化瘀虫类中药应用研究进展[J].


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