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摘要中频感应电源以其加热效率高、速度快,可控性好及易于实现机械化、自动化等优点,已在熔炼、铸造、弯管、热锻、焊接和表面热处理等行业得到广泛的应用。本设计中感应电源采用IGBT作为开关器件,可工作在10 Hz~10 kHz频段。它由整流器、滤波器、和逆变器组成。整流器采用三相全桥式整流电路。滤波器滤波采用一个大电容和两个小的电解电容,逆变器主要由PWM控制器SG3525A控制四个IGBT的开通和关断,实现DC-AC的转换。本设计用单片机AT89C52作为控制电路的核心,通过单片机可以实现同步信号,给晶闸管提供脉冲信号,对整个中频电源进行控制和保护。逆变回路采用了快速V-MOS场效应管,由控制器SG3525A进行控制,驱动电路是四个M57962L构成,锁相环CD4046组成的回路由单片机控制,实现了自动频率跟踪。同时设计了过电流检测环节和过载保护环节,控制回路由软件来实现,该电源在保证设备稳定可靠的条件下,能够实现最大的功率调节。关键词:感应加热电源;串联谐振;逆变电路;IGBTAbstractThe Intermediate Frequency Induction Heating has been widely applied in melting, casting, bend, hot forging, welding, Surface Heat Treatment due to its advantages of high heating efficiency、high speed、easily controlled、easily being mechanized and automated. The scheme has made a plan of designs based on the task of design, designed corresponding hardware circuit and developed 20kW intermediate frequency induction heating power system.The thesis discusses the Choice of converter scheme in detail. Series Resonance Inverter has another name is Voltage Inverter. Its Output Voltage approaches square wave and load current approaches sine-wave. Inversion must follow the Principles of break before make and there is enough dead-time between turn-off and turn on in order to avoiding direct through in upper and lower bridges.The thesis discussed the Choice of converter scheme in detail as well as introduced the control circuit of this power source and its design principle. Develop 20kW intermediate frequency induction heating power system with switch element IGBT. Make a research on Converter Circuit, control circuit, driver circuit etc.The CMOS chip that is applied in the design is mainly PWM Controller SG3525A and optical coupler Drive Circuit HCPL-316J. The controlled feature of PWM Controller SG3525A is fully utilized in the process of design, which has wide adjustable operating frequency and dead time, input under voltage lock function and twin channel output current. The optical coupler Drive Circuit HCPL-316J is chosen as the


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