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透過服務學習培養 學生的正面價值觀和態度 甚麼是服務學習? 「服務學習」就是透過「服務」而獲得「學習」的果效 服務學習是一種學與教的理念與實踐方法,將社會服務融入課程中 讓學生透過籌劃、執行、反思和評估他們的服務經驗,從中學習及成長。 甚麼是服務學習? 服務學習與價值觀和態度 《基礎教育課程指引 – 各展所能、發揮 所長》第三册A《德育及公民教育》 五種首要的價值觀和態度: 學生感想(小五服務學習課) 家長感想(小五服務學習課) 互相欣賞/接納異同 同理心 自我認識/了解 自我認識/了解 老師的評估 Impact of Service Learning(SL) Impact on Student’s Social and Personal Development Increase in personal and social responsibility, communication and sense of educational competence (Weiler, et. al., 1998) Ranked responsibility as a more important value and reported a higher sense of responsibility to their school than comparison groups (Leming, 1998) Impact of Service Learning(SL) Better able to trust and be trusted, be reliable and accept responsibility (Stephen, 1995) More likely to develop bonds with more adults (Morgan and Streb, 1999) Showed greater empathy than comparison group (Courneya, 1994) Impact of Service Learning(SL) Impact on Civic Responsibility Increase in the awareness of community needs, believed they could make a difference and were committed to service now and later in life (Melchior, 1999; Berkas, 1997) Developed more sophisticated understandings of socio-historical contexts, were likely to think about politics and morality in society (Yates and Youniss, 1996;1998) Impact of Service Learning(SL) Impact on Academic Learning Showed moderate to strong positive gains on student achievement tests in language arts and/or reading, engagement in school, sense of educational accomplishment and homework completion (Weiler, et. al., 1998) Increased their grape point averages and test scores in reading/language arts and math and were less likely to drop out of school (Supik, 1996; Rolzinski, 1990) Impact of Service Learning(SL) Impact on Schools Increase in mutual respect (Weiler, et. al., 1998) Builds cohesiveness and more positive peer relations among students, among teachers and between teachers and students in a school (Weiler, et. al., 1998) More positive school climate through a feeling


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