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160 2006 20 3
冉卫兵( , 050081)
: 建立痹痛消丸中士的宁和马钱子碱的反相高效液相分析法采用 Diamonsil C18 色谱柱; 流动相
为 腈- 甲醇- 005mo l L- 1 KH 2 P O4 溶液- 三 胺 ( 25 19 55 1) , 磷酸调pH 至35; 流速1ml
min- 1 ; 检测波长254nm士的宁在 1549~ 18588g ml- 1 ( = 09999) 马钱子碱在 505~ 6060g
m l- 1 ( = 09998) 范围内呈良好的线性关系; 士的宁平均回收率为9842% , R SD 为114% ; 马钱子
碱平均回收率为10030% , RS D 为107% 本方法准确可靠, 简便灵敏, 重现性好, 可用于痹痛消丸中
: 痹痛消丸; 士的宁; 马钱子碱; 反相高效液相色谱法
: R9272 : A : 1002- 7777 ( 2006) 03- 0160- 03
Determination of Strychnine and Brucine in Bitongxiao Pills by RP- HPLC
Ran Weibing ( H ebei A m ed P olice H eadqua t e s H ospital, Shijiazhuang, 050081)
ABSTRACT An RP - H P L C method w as est ablished f o t he dete minatio n of st ychnine and b ucine in
- 1
bit ongx iao pills. A Diam onsil C18 co lum n w as used w it h aceto nit ile- met hanol- 005mo l L KH 2 P O4
solut ion- t iethylam ine ( 25 19 55 1) as m obile phase and pH v alue w as adjust ed to 35. T he f low
ate w as 1ml min- 1 and detect ion w aveleng t h w as 254nm. T he linea elat ionship w as g ood w hen the
cont ent of st ychnine w as 1549~ 18588g ml- 1 ( = 09999) and b ucine w as 505~ 6060g m l- 1
( = 09998) . T he ave age ecove y and RS D w e e 9842% and 114% fo st ychnine and 10030% and
107% fo b ucine espect ively. T he m et hod w as accu ate and eliable, simple, sensit iv e and ep oducible.
It could be used fo quality cont ol f o st y chnine and b ucine in Bit ongx iao pills.
KE WORDS Bito ng xiao Pills; st ychnine; b ucine; RP- H PL C
, 21
( RP - H PL C) : Diamo nsil C18 ( 46 ! 250mm,