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机械学院通知 ? 关于06年报考机械、动力、车辆、核能工程硕士 考生见面会通知 报考我院机械、动力、车辆、核能工程领域的工程硕士考生: ?兹定于9月2日(周六)上午9:30在交大徐汇校区工程馆303举行对我院06年报考机、动、车、核的工程硕士考生见面会。会议内容将由学院工程硕士办负责人介绍:1、招生录取各有关信息;2、如何考好GCT与专业基础课;3、考生参加综合面试各有关事项;4、专业领域及培养简况介绍。 请上海各单位报考我院以上四个工程技术领域的考生届时参加。(注意:上汽集团、宝钢集团、上海电气集团有部分考生已听过介绍者,不必参加) ? ?上海交大机械与动力工程学院工程硕士办公室 2006.8.8 一. 题型特征 1. 主旨题 请见例题 If the wind becomes gusty, after a period of calm, you should seek shelter. The sky needs careful watching, too. Gradual darkening and “boiling” cloud should quicken your pace. Lightning and thunder are common enough storm indicators, but few people realize that the brightness of the lightning is not nearly as important as the number of lightning flashes. The signs of an oncoming storm are many, and a person’s life may depend on his ability to interpret them. 段落主旨题 1. Which is the topic sentence of the above paragraph? A) If the wind becomes gusty after a period of calm, you should seek shelter. B) The sky needs careful watching. C) Lightning and thunder are common storm indicators. D) The signs of an oncoming storm are many, and a person’s life may depend on his ability to interpret them. 标题主旨题 2. The paragraph could be entitled______. A) The Gusty Wind B) The Destructive Storm C) Storm Indicators D) The Effects of a Storm 出题点分布(低难度) 例1 It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them. They have always complained, more or less justly that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems—and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Question: The first paragraph is mainly about ______. A.?? the teenagers criticism of their parent B. mis


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