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Supermarket System超市系统 Activity SW No.: 4.5.7 Supermarket System Revision #: 004 Last improved: 06-Aug-2013 Improved by: A. Meester Objectives of this Module这个模块的目标 Participants will be able to: 参与者能够 Identify where supermarkets are needed within a value stream to support a pull system识别出在价值流的哪里需要设置超市来支持拉动系统 Use the PFEP database to correctly size and maintain supermarkets使用PFEP数据库来正确的估算及维护超市 Link supermarkets to the overall kanban systems and conveyance routes将超市与整个看板体系及运输路线链接起来 Topics主题 What is a Supermarket?什么是超市? Three Steps of Supermarket Design超市设计的3大步骤 Supermarket Location 超市地址 Supermarket Sizing超市大小 PFEP (Plan for Every Part) Database PFEP数据库 Design Delivery Routes设计交付路线 Running the Supermarket 运行超市 Group Exercises 团队练习 Jargon Buster专业术语 Supermarket超市 PFEP (Plan for Every Part) 单个零件计划 Address system地址系统 Kanban看板 Routes路线 VMI供应商管理库存 What is a Supermarket?什么是超市 Operation工序 20 Operation 工序10 PULL拉动 Supermarkets 超市 Shipping 出货 Raw materials 原材料 In-process stock 在制品库存 Finished goods成品 What is a Supermarket?什么是超市? A deliberately designed material stores area with controlled quantities of materials 故意设定的区域储存可控数量的材料 The downstream process takes what is needed and the supermarket owner (the upstream process) replenishments下游工序拿取需要的材料,超市的所有人(上游工序)进行补料 Unlike traditional stores area, no order forms, paperwork transactions, or stock requisitions are needed other than kanban不同于传统的储存区域,没有除看板以外的订单格式, 纸质的交割或者物料申请 Heijunka Box Finished Goods Supermarket成品超市 1 4 3 What is a Supermarket?什么是超市 Raw Materials Supermarket原材料超市 2 5 Parts Supermarket零件超市 What is a Supermarket?什么是超市? A material stores area which:物料储存区: Puts material close to point of use将物料放置在靠近使用点 Eliminates shortages消除物料短缺现象 Sets minimum and maximum levels for inventory设定最大库存及最小库存量 Uses floor space efficiently更有效的利用空间 Simplifies ordering and material handling订购及物料搬运简单化 Removes non value added activities: (receiving, putting away, kitting, counting, cycling, requisitions)消除不增值的动作:(收货,摆料,配料,点数,循环,申请) Improves materia


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