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第33 卷 第19 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 33 No. 19 2009 年11 月 Power System Technology Nov. 2009 文章编号:1000-3673 (2009 )19-0066-06 中图分类号:F416.2 文献标志码:A 学科代码:790·625 综合考虑交易对电网依赖性和 安全性影响的输电固定成本分配 龚演平,彭建春,杨帮宇 (湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,湖南省 长沙市 410082 ) Transmission Fixed Cost Allocation Considering Dependence of Transaction on Power Grid and Influence of Transaction on Security of Power Grid GONG Yan-ping,PENG Jian-chun ,YANG Bang-yu (College of Electrical Information Engineering,Hunan University ,Changsha 410082,Hunan Province ,China ) ABSTRACT: A transmission fixed cost allocation method 成本分解成依赖成本和安全成本2 部分。依赖成本反映交易 considering the dependence of transaction on power grid and 对电网的依赖性,按比例分配给各交易;安全成本反映交易 influence of transaction on grid security is proposed, in which 对线路运行安全性的影响,按各交易对线路热容量的使用度 the transmission fixed cost of transmission line to be allocated 分配。各交易对线路热容量的使用度基于支路发热功率对交 to each transaction is divided into dependence cost and security 易的转归分量计算,并考虑有功、无功的交叉影响。该方法 cost. The dependence cost that reflects the dependence of 不仅计及了有功、无功的耦合,而且能为各交易提供有效的 transaction on power grid is allocated in proportion to each 经济激励信号,适用于Pool 和Bilateral 交易共存的电力市 transaction; the security cost that reflects the influence of 场。IEEE 14 节点系统测试结果验证了该方法的合理性和有 transaction on operation security of transmission line is 效性。 allocated according to the usage degree of thermal capacity of 关键词:输电网;固定成本;分配;依赖性;安全性;发热 transmission line by each transaction. The usage degree of 功率;定价 thermal capacity


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