商务函电 insurance.ppt

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商务函电 insurance

PPT模板下载:/moban/ Chapter 10 Insurance To review marine risks and losses and coverage of marine insurance To get familiar with the useful sentences and phrases of making insurance Chapter 10 Insurance 1 2 Learning Objectives 3 To be able to write business letters about insurance Risks Extraneous Risks Perils of the sea Losses Total Loss Natural Calamities Accidents General extraneous risks Special extraneous risks Constructive Total Loss General Average Partial Loss Actual Total Loss Particular Average Coverage Additional Coverage Basic Coverage FPA (Free from Particular Average) WPA (With particular Average) All Risks Special Additional Insurance Coverage General Additional Insurance Coverage There are two basic parties involved in a cargo insurance contract: the insurant and the insurer. The party indemnified is called the insurant (投保人), also referred to as the insured or the assured. It refers to the one who buys insurance from the insurance company. The insurant can be either the seller or the buyer, depending largely on the incoterms adopted for transaction and on which parity is subject to main risks in transit. The party undertaking to indemnify the insurant or the insured against losses or damages is known as the insurer (承保人), which usually refers to the insurance company. P116 Letter 2 Dear Sirs, We wish to refer you to our Order No.320 for 200 metric tons of wood, from which you will see that this order was placed on a C.F.R. basis. As we now desire to have the shipment insured at your end, we shall be much pleased if you will kindly arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against All Risks at invoice value plus 10%, i.e. US $5 000. We shall of course refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the same amount. We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval. Yours faithfully, Letter 2 Translation 敬启者: 参阅我方200 公吨木头第320号订单,该批货物是按CFR 条件订购的。 现我方拟将该批货物在


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