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喷漆过程关键序控制 Key Sequence to Control the Painting Process 客户;性能要求(喷漆) Customers; performance requirements (painting) 1/膜厚; ≥40um (膜厚仪) 1/ thickness ; ≥ 40um (thickness analyzer) 2/附着力;GT1-GTO(1mm划格仪 ) 2/ adhesive force; GT1-GTO (1mm Hatch Instrument) 3/光泽;1.1-1.5(60 ℃、光泽仪) 3/ Lustre; 1.1-1.5 (60℃ 、Glossmeter) 4 /色差;1DH:d1:(0.6- -0.4) 4/ Color difference; 1DH: d1: (0.6--o.4) da:(0.15- -0.45)db(0.45- -0.15) 喷漆过程关键程序控制。 To meet customers performance requirements, the key sequence control of the painting process 为满足客户性能要求 油漆搅拌: 首次原漆搅拌30分钟 二次3-5分钟(汽动搅拌器) Paint mixing: for the first time the original paint stirring 30 minutes, the second 3-5 minutes (Pneumatic agitator) 油漆过滤: 200目尼龙网 Paint Filter: 200 mesh nylon net 油漆活化时间: 调配后油漆使用不大于60分钟,容器外贴起始时间单 paint activation time: paint to use within 60 minutes, mark start time on the outsice of the container 油漆放置: 密封储存,再次使用确认状态 Paint placement: sealed and stored, use again to confirm status 油漆粘度: 岩田2#杯 20-25秒 paint viscosity: Iwata #2 cups of 20-25 seconds 注意事项: 调漆前保质期、包装完好确认 Attention: paint before the shelf life, packaging intact recognized 调漆工序 Paint Mixing Processes 调漆工序工作中的安全防护 Security measures in the paint process 有害成分: 有机溶剂、合成树脂 Harmful Ingredients: organic solvents, synthetic resin 存在的损害:呼吸 、皮肤、 Possible Damage: respiratory system, skin, 预防和保护: 防有机气体口罩(3M) 抗溶剂手套抗静电服、帽子 Prevention and protection: Anti-organic masks (3m), anti-solvent gloves, anti-static clothing and caps 基本保护:专用调漆室,排风良好 Basic protection: Dedicated painting rooms with good ventilation 喷漆工序 Painting Process 风速: 0.3-0.6m/min(风速仪,飘带) Wind speed: 0.3-0.6/min (Anemometers, ribbon) 温度:18-28度 Temperature: 18-28℃ 人员着装: 喷漆保护,服装 Staff dres


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