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六级作文评析 六级作文题型: 六级作文题目出现的形式主要是论说文(解决问题型作文;分析利弊型作文;正反阐释型作文),书信和图表作文交替出现。(书信及图表是解决问题型作文的一种子题型,把握好这类论说文就可以举一反三、触类旁通地攻克图表及书信作文)。 评析六级作文范文 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Reading Classics. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1、阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要   2、现在愿意阅读经典的人越来越少,原因是……   3、我们大学生应该怎么做   这道作文题是典型的“解决问题型”,这一类文章的写作思路就是描述现状-分析原因-提出解决方案,文章采用“三段总分式”展开。可以看出,题目给出的三点提纲其实很好地契合了这个思路。 第一段,简要提出经典的重要性。 如:1. Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that reading classics plays an important role in the growth of people. 2. Nowadays, some people, especially the elderly, are of the view that classics play a significant role in our life. 之后展开说明阅读经典是如何影响成长的,可以用几本名著来辅证自己的观点。 第二段,先总的说一下现在愿意阅读经典的人越来越少了,切忌less and less这样的恶俗语言。 紧接着分析原因,可以想到的原因有很多,比如现代人的生活节奏越来越快,以致于忙得没有时间静下心来读书;新兴的媒体,比如网络对于人们阅读习惯的改变;现代社会快餐式文化产品的兴起对经典的冲击,等等。 最后一段写大学生应该怎么做。 分点分层次写总是最简单的方法,可以说大学生首先自己要阅读经典,同时可以鼓励和影响身边的人阅读经典;也可以说政府文化部门应该做什么,大学应该做什么来鼓励阅读经典,然后大学生本身要提高对经典的重视程度,等等。 1、阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要 Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that reading classics plays an important and beneficial role in our development and growth. Personally, ever since my childhood, nothing has been more attractive than reading the classic masterpieces. Taking a look around, we can find classics from which people hugely benefit too numerous to list: The Dream in the Red Chamber, The Legend of Three Kingdoms, Bible and the like. 2.现在愿意阅读经典的人越来越少,原因是…… However, it is widely acknowledged that an increasing number of people are losing interest in classics. A number of factors could account for the change, but the following are the most critical ones. For one thing, practical reading has occupied the market and students’ spare time in such a material possession oriented society. For another, the boom of internet industry gives rise t


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