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热点作文1 15年6月(第1套)【现学现练】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Campus Dwellers. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【题目分析】 题为图画命题,画中拿着毕业证书的学生不想离开学校,目要求结合图画内容评论赖校族现象由判断本文应为一篇分类作文题目要求,本文采用如下行思路:第一段描述画内容,指出现在大学生毕业后继续赖在校园里的现象;第二段分析这些学生赖在学校的不同原因;第三段谈谈“我”对学生毕业后仍赖在学校的看法。 Campus Dwellers From the picture, we can see a student is fighting against being dragged away from college, yelling “No, I won’t leave!”. But the graduation certificate in his hand shows the fact he has already graduated. The picture depicts vividly the image of “campus dwellers” who still stay at school after graduation. Most of these students neither pursue further study nor hunt for jobs, who often feel at a loss with their future. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. Among all these reasons, the huge employment pressure plays a critical role. Some students are not independent enough, which makes it extremely hard for them to step out of school. Secondly, the rent of school dormitories is relatively low, which is much easier for students to afford. Thirdly, some students choose to dwell on campus simply because they like the cultural atmosphere in the universities. From my point of view, the pressure in the society is the vital reason for college graduates to be campus dwellers. However, one cannot stay at school for a lifetime. I suggest both universities and parents should teach the students to face the reality bravely. Once they can face with the reality and handle problems properly, they will be real grown-ups. 热点作文2 15年6月(第2套)【现学现练】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holiday Syndrome among Students You should


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