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1.What does the man advise the woman to do? A) Make a complaint. B) Change her car dealer. C) Cancel the order. D) Buy a cheap one. 正确答案为?A??你错选为?D! 解析: 音频中男士建议女士跟他的经理谈一下,可见是在建议女士进行投诉,所以选A。 Script M: During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business. W: But somehow or other they were able to hang on. 2.What can we infer from the conversation? A) Many businesses went bankrupt in the depression. B) The company survived the depression. C) The Smiths was a family business. D) The Smiths was an influential local business. 正确答案为?B??你错选为?A! 解析: 音频中女士提到,史密斯一家想办法坚持了下来(somehow or other they were able to hang on),可见他们熬过了经济萧条期,所以选B。 Script ? M: You know, even with Lucies salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay all the bills.?? ? W: Its true. Things are so expensive nowadays that its very difficult to make ends meet.? 3.What does the woman mean? A) They should share the bills. B) They would go bankrupt. C) She earns more than Lucie and the man combined. D) Daily expenses are too much for people today. 正确答案为?D??你错选为?B! 解析: 音频中女士提到,现在的东西都非常贵,要想收支平衡都很困难,make ends meet是收支平衡的意思。可以推断出,对人们来说现在的日常开支太大了,所以选D。 Script ? W: Wow! What a great set of drums! ? M: Theyre great, but I cant play on them when my folks are at home. They say I drive them up a wall with all the loud banging. 4.Why couldnt the man play the drums when his family is at home? A) Because the noise annoys them. B) Because he plays badly. C) Because they are not interested in music. D) Because they want to enjoy family time. 正确答案为?A??你错选为?D! 解析: 音频中男士提到,他敲鼓的话他的家人会很气恼。Drive sb. up the wall 是惹恼、使生气的意思,所以选A。 Script W: Have you seen their house lately? Its really gone to the dogs. M: Its true, but I guess with?some?repair work and some paint it could look pretty decent. 5.What does the woman think of the house? A) It can be fixed up to look like new. B) It is in serious need of repair. C) The owner keeps many dogs there. D) The house is not worthy of repairi


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