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General Knowledge 一、英语国家概况与社会文化知识 1. The longest river in Britain is_____________. A. Severn B.Tees C.Thames D.Clyde 2.The British Isles is made up of_________. A.Three large islands and hundreds of small ones B.Two large islands and hundreds of small ones C.Three large islands and dozens of small ones 3.In ______ the Romans conquered Greece. A.146 B.C B.1200 B.C C.700 B.C D.the 5th century 4.Which work described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy? _____ A. Antigone B.Odyssey C.Iliad D. Odepus the king 5.There are three political divisions _____on the island of Great Britain. A. England, Scotland and Ireland B. England, Scotland and Wales C. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland D. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales 6. The Tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by ______. A. King Harold B.William the Conqueror C. Robin Hood D. Oliver Cromwell 7.St. Paul’s Cathedral is in ______. A. Liverpool B.London C. Glasgow D. Birmingham 8.The Largest lake in Britain is ________. A. Ullswater B. Loch Lomond C. Windermere D. The Lough(爱尔兰方言,湖泊) Neagh 内伊湖 9.Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C? A. Roman Culture B. Greek Culture C. Chinese Culture D. Egyptian Culture 10. The founder of scientific mathematics is____. A. Aristotle B. Heracleitus C. Socrates D. Pythagoras 11. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in _______. A.200 B.C B.55A.D C.55B.C D.410 A.D 12.The capital of Northern Ireland is________. A. Belfast B.Birmingham C.Edinburgh D.Cardiff 13.The statement “You can not step twice the same river”was said by ______. A. Aristotle B. Heracleitus C. Socrates D. Pythagorates 14. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, ____ , and Aristotle, who are active in A


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