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本科毕业设计 题目: 固原压气站工艺设计 学生姓名 李海永 学 号 0901020321 教学院系 石油工程学院 专业年级 油气储运工程2009级 指导教师 陈利琼 职 称 副教授   单  位 油气储运教研室 摘要 压气站是以压力能的形式给天然气提供输送动力的作业站。按压气站在管道沿线的位置分为起点压气站、中间压气站和终点充气站。起点压气站位于气田集气中心或处理厂附近,为天然气提供压力能,并有气体净化、气体混合、压力调节、气体计量、清管器发送等作业。中间压气站位于运输管道沿线上,主要是给在输送中消耗了压力能的天然气增压。终点充气站位于储气库内,主要是将输来的天然气加压后送入地下储气库。 压气站的流程由输气工艺、机组控制和辅助系统等三部分组成。输气工艺部分除净化、计量、增压等主要过程外,还包括越站旁通、清管器接收及发送、安全放空与紧急截断管道等。机组控制部分有启动、超压保护、防喘振循环管路等。辅助系统部分包括供给燃料气、自动控制、冷却、润滑等系统。 设计固原压气站时刻根据设计依据(相关规范和书册)查阅大量关于压气站的资料文献,总结不同城市压气站的设计方法,在此基础上,结合固原压气站自身的实际情况,设计正确合理的工艺设计方案。依据相关行业标准,进行工艺计算,绘制工艺流程图。 关键词:压气站 分类 组成 设计 Abstract Compressor stations based on the pressure in the form of job of conveying power to the gas station. The press gas station along the pipeline is divided into the starting point for compressor stations, gas compression stations in the middle and the end of filling stations. The starting point for gas compression stations located in the vicinity of the gas field gas gathering center or processing plant, gas pressure, and gas purification, gas mixture, pressure regulators, gas metering, pigging send operations. Intermediate compressor stations located along the pipelines, mainly to the consumption in the transportation of gas pressure booster. The end of filling stations in the gas storage library, will lose to gas pressure into underground gas storage. The three parts of the flow of the gas compression stations by the gas process, unit control and auxiliary systems. In addition to the process of purification, measurement, booster gas technology section also includes and more stations bypass pigging receive and send safety vent and emergency truncated pipeline. The control section of the unit start, overpressure protection, anti-surge circulation line. The auxiliary parts of the system including the supply of fuel gas, automatic control, cooling, lubrication system. Design Guyuan pressure gas station time design basis (relevant norms and book volumes) access to a large number of compressor stations on


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