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四级八级复习指导欧洲文化入门一 Lecture 1 I. Do you know these? v 1.(Even) Homer sometimes nods. v 2.Achilles heel v 3.Apple of Discord v 1. Even the most skilled and trustworthy people do not always produce work of the highest quality. v 2.the fatal weak point v 3.the origin of disagreement Achilles’ story v Achilles v Peleus([希神]珀琉斯) Thetis([希神]西蒂斯(海神Nereus的女儿), a sea nymph v Thetis wanted to make her son invincible by dipping him into the Styx((环绕地狱的河)冥河) v But she neglected Achilles’ heel by which she held him v Killed by Paris Story of the Golden Apple v The wedding ceremony of Thetis Peleus v The goddes of discord, Eris(厄里斯(不和女神)), was not invited, hence, angry v Golden apple: to the most beautiful woman v Hera, Athena, Aphrodite (阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)) v Paris, prince of Troy v Hellen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta(梅内莱厄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王) v The Trojan War v II. Historical development of Ancient Greece ? 1. The Aegean(爱琴海) culture (-20 C.--7C.) è Cretan Civilization (-20C-13C): the Minoans((古希腊)克里特文明); linear writing; Non- Indo-European language è Mycenaean Civilization (-12C) (迈锡尼文明): the Akhaians, real ancestors of Greeks; Indo-European language è The Trojan War (-1200 -1170 B.C. ): Troy alliance of Greek states è The Dorians(多里安人) from the north of mainland Greece, still babarian tribes, occupied most of the Peloponnesus? 2. Dark Age (-11C— -8C) è Period 1050-750 poorly known, called Dark Ages when there were few historical records left. è Kings ruled non-urban Greek communities during Dark Ages è At end of the period aristocracy(贵族政治) began to throw out kings, take over management of the community è In the late Dark Ages the Greeks began to form urban centers around a citadel (fortress). These centers are called poleis (singular polis). They were well established by the eighth century è The polis (city state) (城邦) is the characteristic Greek political institution of the Classical period 3. Archaic Period (-8— -7C) è poverty of the land overpopulation è Colonization è? A


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