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There are several underlying considerations accounting for my point. To begin with, lots of idolists, especially the real crazy ones, will be harmed economically because excessive worship may lead to blindness. Whats more, with respect to mentality, one will inevitably suffer from extreme emotional swing if he really adores a star. Finally, when it comes to the point of education, there is no doubt that young idolaters would be academically harmed from indulging in the music or soup operas of their idol. From the discussion above, we can see idolatry is a curse in more ways than one. From my personal perspective, combined efforts should be made to solve the problem. For example, educators are responsible for building up correct values among youngsters. As for the juveniles, starting from a greater awareness of the issue may be the first step towards a reasonable attitude. If the measures should be realized, youngsters would enjoy a brighter future. 深造还是就业? 范文 In this day and age, most college students are faced with a hard choice as to whether they would pursue further study or find a job. Some believe that it is wiser to choose the former, while others don’t find their agreement to it. Those who lend their support to the first choice have some reasons in varied forms. First of all, educational background may be tremendously crucial to personal development. Secondly, the survival and growth of the nation thirst of talents of higher study. Those who are in favor of finding a job also have some novel ideas to counter the arguments above. Firstly, they can benefit financially from the job. Secondly, they will be blessed with the sense of fulfillment if they can support themselves. In conclusion, the pros and cons of the two are beyond controversy. Between the two conflicting stand points, it is wiser for me to support the former one because education is significant in the whole view. In a word, if one should at


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