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以下为四六级作文中常考的作文类型,建议大家直接将作文模板背下来,考场上直接套用就行, ? ?对比/正反观点分析型 ? 1、大多为三点提纲,提纲模式一般为:有一些人认为……;还有人认为……;我的看法或观点; 2、少数时候也会出现两点提纲的情况,此时可以补充成三点提纲来写作。 首段引出话题: When it comes to / When asked about(whether men and women should be equal/ whether university campus should be open to the to tourists此处请注意要接宾语从句,不能直接把作文题目搬上来), opinions differ (vary) from one to another or different people hold different opinions.? 第二段写支持观点: There are a number of individuals who hold the positive opinion. They believe that_____ is advantageous for_____. What makes them convinced is that ______ .In addition(whats more), they claim that _______. 三段写反对观点: Others, however, hold the opposite view. They maintain that it is unnecessary/not dispensable to _______ . One reason they cite is that ______ . Another significant cause is that ______. 末段1:Personally/From my point of view/As far as Im concerned, nothing is more important than _____ On the one hand, it is a fact that ______ ,On the other hand, no one can deny the fact that ______ Therefore, Only by doing so can ______ 末段2:From my point of view, ______ itself is neither good nor bad. For our human being, nothing is more important than making best use of it. We need _____ in our daily life, but we should never be slaves of ____. ? 社会现象/解决问题型 题型特点: 1、应该为三点提纲,但是有时以两点提纲出现,所涉及主题为当时社会热点; 2、通常模式为:现象概述--细节(原因、危害、方式等)--自我评论 首段引出话题:kyscrapers spring up in big cities of China). To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice/ bad phenomenon. /第二句也可以这样: The phenomenon (The problem) has caused/aroused public/ popular/ wide/worldwide concern/ has been brought into focus/has been brought to public attention) 2. One of the most popular topics people often talk about today is (the springing up of skyscrapers in big cities of China)…To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believ


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