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CAN YOU RECOGNIZE WHERE IT IS ? Australia The Commonwealth of Australia Australia Amazing 叹为观止 Unexpected 超乎想象 Stylish 时尚之巅 Tempting 诱人魅力 Relaxing 悠然一刻 Adventurous 体验极限 Liberating 自由自在 Inspiring 灵感无限 Attractive 梦萦魂牵 The Macquarie steet--The CBD has become a mini Manhattan The university of Sydney Sydney Opera House Bondi Beach Geography location: it stretch from 10 to 44 south of latitude and 113 east to 154 east of longitude. It is surrounded by the Tasman Seaand the Pacific Ocean to the east, by the Indian Ocean to the west, by the Coral Sea,the Arafura Seaand Timor Seato the north, and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bightto the south. the highest point: Mount Kosciusko Size: ★7.7 million square kilometers ★The world‘s smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area, Australia – owing to its size and isolation is often dubbed the ’island continent and variably considered the world‘s largest island. ★Australia has 34,218 kilometers of coastline (excluding all offshore islands) ◆The Eastern highlands ◆The Central-Eastern lowlands ◆The Western Plateau ◆the outback usually refer to the interior and the center of the Western Plateau and its northern plains, ◆the Red Center an area with red-brown and tan soils in the heart of the country. ◆ the Great Western Plateau: a vast upland made of ancient rock; a land rather flat and about 300 meters above sea level, the interior of the plateau made up of the Great Sandy Geographic regions Sydney Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia. The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate. Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Royal National Park , Sydney Opera House , Bondi Beach ,Macquarie Street, Sydney university and so on


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