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Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation 词义的选择、引申和褒贬(英汉词语词义对应情况) 一、词义的选择 Since of polysemics both in Chinese and English, we can choose and define the meaning of words from the following two aspects: Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation (A)根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 First judge the word-class of the word in English, then make sure its meaning. E.g. Like charges repel ; unlike charges attract. like : adj, “相同的” 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation He likes Chinese more than English. 他喜欢汉语胜过喜欢英语。(动词) In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细细的尘埃象金子一般在闪闪发亮。(介词) Like knows like. 英雄识英雄。(名词) Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation 再以round为例: The earth rounds the sun. 地球围绕着太阳转动。(动词:绕行) The exciting news was soon carried round. 激动人心的消息很快就到处传遍了。(副词:到处) The round waveguide as the transmission medium presents us with an opportunity to design a communication system of enormous capacity. 以圆波导作传输介质使我们有可能设计出容量极大的通信系统。 (形容词:圆形的) Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation In the first round our football team has had three wins and one defeat. 在第一轮中我们的足球队三胜一负。(名词:轮,回合) When direct current flows through a coil, a magnetic field will be built up round the coil. 当直流电流通过线圈,线圈周围就形成一个磁场.(前置词:在周围) Poor: In my poor opinion, you should let her go. 以鄙人浅见,你应该放她走。 She took me in her cabin and told me that she was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on getting on the boat. 她把我带到她房间里并告诉我说,她有晕船的毛病,所以总是一上船就睡觉。 The Department of Justice was reluctant to bring poor cases into court. 司法部不愿意把没有把握大赢的官司那到法庭上去。 Carter is a poor loser. 卡特是一个输了会发脾气的人。 Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation (B) 根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义 The same word may have different meaning in different language situation, so we can judge its meaning according to context and the rule of collocation in English. E.g. p


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