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PartA_ Word Building PartA_ Word Building PartA_ Listening4 PartA_ Listening5 PartB_ Listening3 PartB_ Listening4 PartB_ Listening5 T1-dropout T1- suck T2- con T2- harry T2- snoop T3- shrivel T3- barrage T3- nanosecond T3- catalyst T4- mind-boggling T4- cook up T5- hassle T5- irreconcilable T6- salvage T1- far-flung T1- visceral T4- Peck T5- lust T5- hierarchy T5- buffer T6- prurient I pretend to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased. Why? Con artists and real artists, advertisers and freedom fighters, lovers and sworn enemies — they’ve all flocked to e-mail as they would to any new medium of expression. flock: n. 鸟,羊群 v. 成群结对而行 The public have flocked to the show. 公众蜂拥而至观看演出。 Omitted: …as they would flock to any new medium of … 真假艺术家、广告商、为自由而战的英勇卫士、恋人、不共戴天的敌人 —— 他们纷纷涌向电子邮件,一如他们涌向任何一种新的表达工具。 ever-more: more and more It captures the essence of life at the close of the 20th century with an authority that few other products of digital technology can claim. essence of life=the nature of life at the close of=at the end of authority=influential power claim: acknowledge to obtain or be responsible for 声称对某事负有责任或享有权利 An underground organization has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion... 一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。 在20世纪末它以大多数别的数字技术产品所不具备的权威效力捕捉了生活的本质。 E-mail simultaneously allows us to cope with the acceleration and contributes to it. simultaneously: 同时地 The two guns fired almost simultaneously. 两支枪几乎同时开火。 cope with=deal with Acceleration: the fact that it is getting faster and faster 加速 E-mail not only enables us to deal with the fast pace of life but also is responsible for the fast pace of life. 电子邮件在帮我们应对这种加速的同时,又助长了加速的发生。 If we accept that the creation of the globe-spanning Internet is one of the most important technological innovations of the last half of t


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