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2004 10 ( ) Oct. 2004 31 5 J OURNAL OF XIDIAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 31 No. 5 1 2 2 刘宗香, 谢维信, 杨 火亘 ( 11 西安电子科技大学 电子工程学院, 陕西 西安 710071; 21 深圳大学 信息工程学院, 广东 深圳 518060) : 被动传感器系统定位误差分析对于构成系统的被动传感器的选取与哨( ) 配置至关重要. 为解 决误差分析这 一问题, 提出了被动传感器系统定位误差的分析方法. 通过仿真分析了两被动传感器系统 和三被动传感器系统误差分布特点与规律. : 被动传感器; 误差分析; 定位误差 :TN97113 : A : 1001-2400( 2004) 05- 0791-05 Analysis of the localization errors in the netted passive sensor system 1 2 2 LI U Zong-xiang , XIE Wei-xin , YANG X uan ( 1. School of Electron c Eng neer ng, X d an Un v. , Xcan 710071, Ch na; 2 . College of Informat on and Eng neer ng , Shenzhen Un v. , Shenzhen 518060, Ch na) Abstract: The analys s of the local zat on errors n a netted pass ve sensor system plays an mportant role n the select on of the pass ve sensors and the allocat on of the posts. In order to solve the problem of the error analys s, the analyt cal method for the local zat on errors s proposed. F nally, the d str but ng features and regular ty of errors n tw o-sensor and three- sensor systems are analyzed through s mulat on calculat on. Key Words : pass ve sensor; errors analys s; local zat on error , / 0, . [ 1, 2] / 0 . , . [ 3, 4] , ; [ 5] . , . , . 1 两被动传感器的定位误差 , : ¥, ; ¦ , . , , , . , , , . ( xs 1, y s 1, z s1 ) (x s 2, y s2 , z s2 ) ( x , y , z )


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