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14种背单词系统大全(国外英语资料) 14 kinds of back word system Daquan.Txt you can see I hit the screen on the screen, but I can not see the tears on the keyboard! Choose 45 degrees from others, Hugh Johnson, others see you looking down at 135 degrees. This article is contributed by nikenijia DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. 14th word system evaluation I am a full-time teacher in an English training school. Many students who come to school have poor foundation and have very few words, which directly lead to difficulties in learning english. One of the most important aspects of my teaching is to improve my vocabulary, so I pay special attention to the ways and tools of memorizing words in my daily work. I started a new concept of English teaching this semester, in order to take a better tool to help students remember words I recite words for a variety of software and online word back in the markets of the website were transverse testing new concept of the first unit of the first volume recitation effect, the following is my test results for all learners and teachers parents, reference. Software class: New Oriental back word The characteristics of New Oriental back the word is the content of the full authority, include schools, Xu Guozhang, new concept, title, University, graduate, New Oriental examination abroad (GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, LSAT, Ya Si) vocabulary, suitable for Senior English learning from zero starting point to the whole staff need to face. Follow a variety of rules of memory, such as affixes, root memory, comparative memory, words, mnemonics, etc.. I organized three students with close grades to study and test the new concept, unit 1. An hour test results: total learning: 175 words, known: test results: remember 40 words / hour, correct rate: 31%, student feedback: New Oriental back word examples are simple, not too typical. For example, excuse, for exampl


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