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C、C++函数集(速查)(国外英语资料) The first chapter is mathematical function 1.1 _chgsign - the inverse of the argument 1.2 _copysign - copy data 1.3 _hypot - the length of the right angled triangle 1.4 _max -- the large number of two numbers 1.5 _min - find the decimal number in two numbers 1.6 _scalb - find the (2^exp) multiple of the parameter 1.7 ABS -- the absolute value of an integer 1.8 ACOS - inverse cosine 1.9 asin - sine 1.10 atan - the inverse tangent 1.11 atan2 -- the tangent of x/y 1.12 ceil -- minimum integer not less than x 1.13 cos - cosine function 1.14 cosh -- the function of hyperbolic cosine 1.15 div - find the quotient and remainder of two numbers 1.16 exp -- the exponential function value of the double precision number 1.17 Fabs -- the absolute value of the double precision number 1.18 floor - asks for the largest integer not greater than x 1.19 Fmod - the remainder of the x/y 1.20 frexp - adjust the parameter x to between 0.5 and 1 1.21 labs -- the absolute value of long integer arguments 1.22 ldexp - find the (2^exp) multiple of the parameter 1.23 ldiv, two long integer division and remainder operators 1.24 log - natural logarithm 1.25 log10 - ask for a logarithm based on 10 1.26 MODF - find the decimal part of the double precision number 1.27 POW -- the value of the Y power of X The second chapter, character function and string function 2.1 __isascii - is the ASCII code between 0~127? 2.2 __iscsym - whether its large, lowercase letters, underscores, or characters 0~9 2.3 _strdup - saving strings into memory 2.4 _stricmp - compare two strings 2.5 _strlwr - uppercase into lower case letters 2.6 _strnicmp - compare strings of a specific length 2.7 _strnset - sets a character of a specific length to a specific character 2.8 _strrev - string in reverse order 2.9 _strset - sets the characters to a specific character 2.10 _strupr - lowercase letters converted to uppercase letters 2.11 __toascii - converts characters to ASCII codes 2.12 isalnum - is it a case l


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