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Pascal函数大全(国外英语资料) Catalog: 1. Mathematical function; 2, all units; 3, SYSTEM unit (do not need uses statement); 4, DOS unit; 5, CRT unit; 6, other units; 7, commonly used functions; 8, not commonly used function; 9, exit method. 1. Mathematical function Find the absolute value function ABS (x) Definition: function Abs (X): (Same, type, as, parameter); Explanation: X can be either integer or real; the return value is consistent with the type of X: Var R: Real; I: Integer; Begin R: = Abs (-2.3); {2.3} I: = Abs (-157); {157} End. The integral function of int (x) Definition: function Int (X: Real): Real; note: X is the real number; the return value is real; returns the integer part of X; that is, X is truncated (instead of four to five): Var R: Real; Begin R: = Int (123.567); {123} R: = Int (-123.456); {-123.0} End. Truncated function TRUNC (x) Definition: function Trunc (X: Real): Longint; note: X is a solid expression. Trunc returns the integer part of the Longint X example: Begin Writeln (1.4, ` becomes, Trunc (1.4)) {1} Writeln (1.5, ` becomes, Trunc (1.5)) {1} Writeln (-1.4,becomes, Trunc (-1.4)) {-1} Writeln (-1.5,becomes, Trunc (-1.5)) {-1} End. Four, five into function round (x) Definition: function Round (X: Real): Longint; note: X is a solid expression. Round returns the four Five value of the Longint type X. If the return value exceeds the range of the Longint representation, then the error occurs. Example: Begin Writeln (1.4, ` rounds, to , Round (1.4)) {1} Writeln (1.5, ` rounds, to , Round (1.5)) {2} Writeln (-1.4,rounds, to , Round (-1.4)) {-1} Writeln (-1.5,rounds, to , Round (-1.5)) {-2} End. Take the decimal function frac (x) Definition: function Frac (X: Real): Real; note: X is a solid expression. The result returns the fractional part of X; that is, Frac (X) = X - Int (_X): Var R: Real; Begin R: = Frac (123.456); {0.456} R: = Frac (-123.456); {-0.456} End. Find the square root function sqrt (x) and the square function SQR (x) Definition: Square root



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