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Photoshop快捷键大全(国外英语资料) We need to master a little bit of shortcut key, and the drawing will be very convenient! [Alt] When holding the Alt button, you can draw background color instead of foreground color with a straw tool. When drawing the selection, you can hold down the Alt key and switch between the polygon lasso tool and the lasso tool temporarily. When you use the deepening tool and dodge tool, you can hold Alt to temporarily switch each other. When you use the brush tool, the airbrush tool, you can hold down the Alt key and switch to straw as a temporary tool to pick the desired color at any time. When using the eraser tool, hold down the Alt key to erase the system in the opposite state of history. When you draw a path, hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse to toggle to the hand drawn state. Call the Curves dialog box, press the Alt key grid in the click of the mouse can increase the grid line, improve the accuracy of the curve. When you change the settings for a dialog box, if you want to revert to the default value and hold down the Alt key, the Cancel key turns into the Reset key, and then clicks. When you use the Lighting Effects filter, press and hold the Alt button and then drag the light source to duplicate the light source. In layer Option, ThisLayer and BlendIf under Underlying, press Alt to drag small triangle, and generate gradual transparent effect. Vertical angle protractor: Metric Tool + Alt + drag endpoint Alt + double-click the background area = open file as Hold down the Alt key, and select the Merge Linked under the menu to merge the contents of the other layers in the link to the current layer. Hold down the Alt key and click the brush icon on the current layer to cancel the link to the other layer Hold down the Alt key and point the eye icon of the current layer to make the other layer invisible and the point will be visible again. Press and hold the Alt button, and then delete the current layer directly from the garbage bin icon on th


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