会买菜的孩子 都是好孩子 (尖辣椒辣的多,且果肉越薄,辣味越重。柿子形的圆椒多为甜椒,果肉越厚越甜脆。(国外英语资料).doc

会买菜的孩子 都是好孩子 (尖辣椒辣的多,且果肉越薄,辣味越重。柿子形的圆椒多为甜椒,果肉越厚越甜脆。(国外英语资料).doc

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会买菜的孩子 都是好孩子 (尖辣椒辣的多,且果肉越薄,辣味越重。柿子形的圆椒多为甜椒,果肉越厚越甜脆。(国外英语资料)

会买菜的孩子 都是好孩子 (尖辣椒辣的多,且果肉越薄,辣味越重。柿子形的圆椒多为甜椒,果肉越厚越甜脆。(国外英语资料) Potatoes: No broken skin, as far as possible to choose a round, the more round the better cut. Leather must be dry, do not have blisters, or short storage time, taste is not good. Dont have bud and green, so its almost the same. Potatoes which grow out of tender buds are poisonous and unfit for eating. If you find that the potatoes are green, even if it is very light green, do not eat. Because potatoes turn green is a sign of poisonous alkaloids, which can be poisoned if eaten. Inferior potato chips are small and uneven; have damage or moth eaten holes; potato chips wilt become soft; potato chips germinate or turn green; mixed with more insect pests and damaged potato chips; there is a foul odor Potatoes can not have bud bud, otherwise harmful to the human body, there is a look at the color it was fresh, not like black bruise, which probably is bad Of course, the price is also on the one hand, the best at all prices! Potatoes have yellow and white meat two. Yellow meat powder. Slightly sweet white. Too large potatoes may grow out of date and fiber is thicker. Frostbite or rotting potatoes, whose flesh turns gray or dark, shrinks, and should be discarded. 2. meat: Sniff: sniff the smell of meat with your nose. Fresh meat smell is pure, no smell; Two pressure: gently press the surface of the meat with your fingers. If pressed gravure printing can quickly restore the original condition, the Department of fresh meat;, Three touch: touch the meat table with your hands. If the surface is slightly dry or slightly moist, not sticky as good meat; meat fresh and shiny surface, and there is a natural fragrance, rich elasticity, shiatsu meat fat red, white, uniform color, looks slightly dry or slightly moist, sticky hands. Meat of poor quality, dry or extremely smooth, Matt, inelastic, yellow in white. Bad meat color is dim, not pressure recovery after the depression, mucus section, can smell abnormal smell, such as af


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