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孕妇绝对不能吃的食物)(国外英语资料) 1, eat longan: Longan food easily lead to abortion of pregnant women, the best diet. 2, avoid drinking strong tea or coffee: strong tea will lead to neonatal weight loss, severe cases can lead to miscarriage, premature or stillbirth, caffeine is very harmful to fetal growth and development. 3, avoid eating moldy food: eating moldy food will cause chromosomal breakage and distortion, produce genetic diseases and fetal malformation, and even lead to embryonic death and abortion or womb. 4, should not eat Hawthorn: pregnant women who have threatened abortion should avoid eating hawthorn. 5, not more intake of salt: may cause threatened purpura, mother and child will endanger the safety of life. 6, not too much eating eggs: pregnant women should not eat more than three eggs per day. 7, should not take ginseng royal jelly: easy to cause poisoning or allergies. 8, should not eat salted fish, eat fish is good for pregnant women, but not salty food. 9, should not eat more animal liver: it is best not to eat too much chicken, pigs, cattle liver. 10, should not eat spinach: zinc and calcium intake will affect the mother and child are negative. 11, should not eat food with alkali: Cinnamon, anise and fennel alkali food, has a potential risk to the fetus malformation. 12, beware of canned food: canned food for pregnant womens adverse effects of fetal The new supersedes the old. process. 13, try to eat less chili: eating chili will lead to insufficient blood supply, so that the uterus, fetal and vascular parts squeezed, prone to hypertension, miscarriage, premature delivery and so on. Pregnant women need more nutrition than they do before pregnancy. Because pregnant women not only to maintain their own exuberant metabolic needs, but also to provide fetal growth and development needs, but also for their high degree of delivery and lactation, energy and nutrition reserves. Therefore, pregnant women should strengthen their nutrition throughout pregnancy and sci



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