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应用PKPM结构设计软件应重视的问题(国外英语资料) The problems that should be paid attention to when applying PKPM structure design software 1 Preface Structure analysis software, no matter how perfect its processing function, can only be used as an auxiliary design tool, and can not completely replace the role of designers. GB50011-2001 Specification for seismic design of buildings (hereinafter referred to as the anti regulation) of article 3.6.6 of the use of computer in seismic analysis, it is for the specific requirements, design personnel structure calculation in the use of the software, the function of the software to have a practical understanding, to use it properly, and the calculation results to identify, confirm the reasonable and effective, can be used in the design, do not blindly rely on the calculation software. With the development of software function, a considerable number of structural designers do not pay enough attention to their technical conditions in accordance with the relevant specifications and standards. PKPM series software is widely used in structural design. In this paper, several important aspects which can be easily neglected by designers are briefly discussed when I find the application of PKPM software in work. Determination of mode number of 2 structure calculation Using the mode calculation of horizontal seismic structural spectrum method for the decomposition reaction, anti regulation provisions of article 5.2.2: no structure calculation of torsional lotus, to determine the effect of horizontal seismic action standard value, can only take the first 2 ~ 3 modes, when the fundamental vibration period of more than 1 5S or room the ratio of height to width is greater than 5, the number of modes should be increased. Technical specification for concrete structures of tall building (hereinafter referred to as high regulation) the provisions of article 3.3.10: for not considering the structural torsion coupling vibration, structure calculation mode number ru


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