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Sthenia , Eliminating first Common syndromes Wind and water struggling with each other Internal invasion of dampness Qi deficiency of lung and spleen supplementary explanation: the first two syndromes can be seen at the early stage of AGN, while qi deficiency of lung and spleen can be seen at the late stage. Deteriorate syndrome Water and qi disturbing the heart and lung Pathogenic factors invading Jueyin Internal obstruction of water and toxin supplementary explanation: can be seen at the early stage Common syndromes Wind and water struggling with each other Main symptoms and signs : sudden onset edema:limbs and eyelids lustrous skin,unpitting edema, dark and scanty urine fever,aversion to cold cough whitish and thin fur floating/ tight or rapid pusle Therapeutic methods : Dispelling wind and inducing diuresis Prescription and drugs: Modified mahuang Liaoqiao chixiaodou decocotion Internal invasion of dampness and heat Main symptoms and signs : sudden onset edema:limbs and body , dark and scanty urine skin sore,fever,thirst,dysphoria chest distress,thoracic fullness poor appetite,nausea red tongue,yellow and thin fur slippery and rapid pusle Therapeutic methods : Clearing away heat and Moving toxin,removing dampness to relieve edema Prescription and drugs: Sanmiao pill in combination with daochi power Qi deficiency of the lung and spleen Main symptoms and signs : be seen in late stage inapparent edema or no, disappearance of hematuria profuse sweat lustreless or pale complexion lassitude,hypodynamia pale tongue with whitish fur slow and weak pusle Therapeutic methods : Strengthening the spleen Supplementing qi Prescription and drugs: Modified shenling baizhu power In combination with yupinfen power Water and qi superiorly disturbing the heart Main symptoms and signs : be seen in early stage edema:limbs and body , cough with short breath, palpitation,chest


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