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恶搞:让同事抓狂的的101招 1. Leave a stack of old applications and a note saying, “Install these” 留一堆没用的旧软件和一张写着“安装这些”便条 2. Staple your reports in the wrong corner 用订书钉订报告的时候订在错误的一角 3. Put tape over the mouse optics 在光学鼠标上粘上胶带 4. Unplug a co-worker’s monitor 拔掉某个同事的显示器接线 5. Talk to sick employees while wearing a dust mask 和生病的员工讲话时带上一个防尘面具 6. Turn your earphones up all the way 把你的耳机音量调到最大,从早到晚带着耳机 7. Burn popcorn in the microwave 用微波炉爆(焦)爆米花 8. “Forget” to put your tuna sandwich in the fridge “忘记”在冰箱里放上你的金枪鱼三明治 9. Turn up the beep volume of the copier 把复印机“哔”的音量放大 10. Empty the paper out of the main printer/copier 清空打印机/复印机的纸 11. Empty the ink or toner out of the main printer/copier 倒空打印机/复印机的墨或炭粉 12. Practice beat boxing 练习节奏口技 13. Sing show tunes 唱舞台音乐剧 14. Hang up the phone before they say, “good bye” 在对方说再见之前挂断电话 15. Slurp hot coffee during meetings 开会的时候出声地啜热咖啡 16. Walk around the office barefooted 光脚在办公室里四处走 17. Empty out a co-workers office on a Friday afternoon 星期五下午把某个员工的办公室清空 18. Misplace peoples pens 把人们的笔放错地方 19. Insert a 3.5″ disk before they turn on their computer 在他们打开电脑之前插进一张软盘 20. Glue their mouse to the desk 把他们的鼠标粘在桌子上 21. Leave an open can of tuna in their desk 在他们桌上放一只开了封的金枪鱼罐头 22. Make a screenshot of their desktop and use it as their screensaver 把他们的电脑桌面截成一张图,然后把这张图设成屏保 23. Turn up the contrast on their monitor 把他们显示器的对比度调高 24. Talk in a funny accent 用可笑的口音说话 25. Use goofy event sounds for your programs 给你的电脑程序选用滑稽的事件提示音 26. Chant, “Yeay, I got mail!!” every time you get a new email 每次收到新邮件的时候高唱“yeay,我收到了邮件” 27. Print out a phony pink slip and leave it in their mailbox 打印一张假解聘通知书放到他们的信箱里 28. Send flowers from one co-worker to another 借某同事之名送花给另一同事 29. Start your car remotely when someone walk by it 有人经过的你的车时,用遥控器(远远的就)把你的车发动起来 30. Insist on people to have a great morning 坚决要求人们应该有一个美好的早晨 31. Leave hole punches all over 随处乱放打孔器 32. Leave your lunch garbage in other people’s cans 把你午餐过后的垃圾放进别人的罐头 33. After each sip give a refreshing, “Ahhh” 每啜一口都来一句惬意的“啊…


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