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My brand or Our Brand: The Effects of Brand Relationship Dimensions and Self-Construal on Brand Evaluations;Theoretical Background;Self-Construal 自我构建 An individual’s construal of the self is frequently defined as a “constellation of thoughts, feelings, and actions concerning one’s relationship to others such as the self being distinct from others or connected to others”. 自我构建被定义为:思想、感受、关于与他人关系的行为(个人是独特的或与他人有联系的);H1a:The impact of self-concept connection on the extent of brand attitude change varies based on self-construal. When an independent self-construal is primed, exposure to negative information about the brand leads to lower brand attitude in the negative information condition (relative to a control group) for consumers having lower self-concept connection. For consumers having higher self-concept connection, there will be no change in brand attitude in the negative information condition (relative to a control group). 自我概念关系对品牌态度的影响基于自我解释。当独立自我凸显,对低自我连接关系的顾客,品牌负面信息会降低对品牌的态度。当独立自我凸显,对高自我连接关系的顾客,品牌负面信息不会对品牌态度产生影响。 ;Brand County-of-Origin Connection 品牌来源国关系 Brand country-of-origin connection is the extent to which a brand is used to express one’s patriotic national identity.品牌来源国关系是品牌用来表达个人的爱国情感。 Brand County-of-Origin:local foreign Brand country-of-origin connection may become more prominent or salient when there is a greater focus on relationships with others. 当更关注与他人关系时,品牌来源国关系更重要。 Consumers are more likely to resist negative information regarding local (vs. foreign) brands when an interdependent self-construal is primed.当相依自我突显,顾客对于当地品牌(vs.国外品牌)更容易忽视负面信息。 When an independent self-construal is made salient, brand county-of-origin connection is likely to be less important when evaluating a brand.当独立自我显著,来源国关系对品牌评价没什么影响。;H1b: The impact of brand country-of-origin connection on the extent of brand attitude change varies based on self-construal. When the brand is of foreign origin and an interdependent self-construal is primed, there should be a lower brand atti


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