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扑克牌中的男男女女 The men and women playing cards;红桃J:查理七世的侍从拉海尔。拉海尔是追随圣女贞德的一名所向披靡的将领。他的名言:“你想要为拉海尔为你做什么,你就得为他做什么;如果你是拉海尔的话,你就是上帝。” Hearts J: Charles VII of the attendants La Haier. La Haier is one of Joan of Arc following invincible general. His saying:Do you want to La Haier is what you do, you have to do anything for him; if you are a La Haier, you are God.;黑桃J:查理曼大帝的侍从霍吉尔,被六仙女祝福的丹麦王子,是查理曼的十二骑士之一 立下赫赫战功,但最后在比利牛斯山脉的战役中不幸身亡。? Spades J: Charlemagne attendants Huoji Er, blessed by six fairy Prince of Denmark, is one of Charlemagne’s twelve knights, set excellent exploits, but in the end of the Pyrenees mountains in the battle, was killed. ;梅花J:亚瑟王传奇中的首席圆桌骑士兰斯洛特,他与王后格温娜维尔的恋情导致了他与亚瑟王之间的战争。 Plum J: Arthurian legend, the chief knights Lancelot, and Queen Gwen Na Weier his love affair led to a war between him and King Arthur.;红桃Q:名叫朱蒂斯,她是德国巴伐利亚人,嫁给英国斯图亚特王朝的查理一世。后来查理一世因实行残暴统治被处极刑,朱蒂斯改嫁。 Hearts Q: named Judith, she is the Bavarian people, married Charles Stuart dynasty. Charles was sentenced to death for the implementation of brutal rule, Judith remarried.;方块Q:是拉结,雅各的妻子。雅各是旧约《圣经》中约瑟的父亲,他共有12个儿子,在以色列建立了12个部族。 Box Q: Rachel, Jacob’s wife. Jacob is the father of Joseph, the son of his total of 12, set up in 12 tribes of Israel.;黑桃Q:是希腊智慧和战争女神帕拉斯.雅典娜,在四位皇后中,惟有此皇后手持武器。 ;梅花Q:名为阿金尼。寓意着这样一个故事:英国的兰开斯特王族以红玫瑰为象征,约克王族以白玫瑰为象征。两个王族经过玫瑰战争后由都铎王朝占据英国王位,并把双方的玫瑰结在一起。所以这位皇后的手上就拿着玫瑰花。 Plum Q: name A Jinni. Implication of such a story: Britain’s royal family of Lancaster, symbolized by red roses, white rose of York as a symbol of royalty. After two royal houses after the Wars of the Roses Tudor occupied the British throne, and to end with both sides of the Rose. So the queen’s hand on the roses.; 红桃 K:查理曼大帝,即查理一世,法兰克国王。最早用凿子在木板上刻他的人物像的职员,因为不小心凿子滑动后把上唇的胡子刮掉了。此后,印红桃国王牌都是以这张画为标本。因而,只有红桃中才有没有胡子的国王牌,其头发向内卷,把剑举在头后。 Hearts K: Charlemagne, that Charles I, the Frankish king. The earliest carved wood with a chisel in his characters, like the staff, because they do not accidentally slide the chisel to scrape t


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