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Beat the bacteria Key words Pin down确定 Potential 潜在的 threat威胁 Bacteria细菌 Resistant抵抗的 Release发布 Victim受害者 Era纪元 Infection感染 Evolve发展 Estimate估计 Sewage废水 Key words Symptom症状 Prescribe开处方药 Break out 暴发 Spread传播 Increasingly日益增多 Risk冒风险 Valuable sentence Health is wealth健康就是财富 And people always try to protect their “wealth”,people always try to pin down potential threats before getting hurt为了保护他们的财富,人们常常在自己患病之前明确存在的威胁 Main idea Nowadays people have a new strong enemy to deal with—super-resistant bacteria. The super bacteria kill amount of people all around the world every year. Then the article tells us why normal bacteria become super bacteria and point out the meat production and water have antibiotics can make bacteria become super bacteria. At last is the people how to deal the super bacteria. We should ……. Do not take antibiotics for viral illnesses. Should not take antibiotics without prescription. If doctors prescribe antibiotics for you, make sure you take them all, that can reduce the chance any bacteria left in your body, could become super bacteria My opinion Nowadays , the super bacteria become stronger and stronger . And scientists have discover that the frog may can help human kill the bacteria. We should not overuse or misuse the antibiotics . Make a cont-ribution to kill the super bacteria. 谢谢 Thanks


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