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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit 2 Caring for patients after an operation ●Caring for a patient in Recovery ●Returning a patient to the ward ●Talking about pain ● Checking an IV prescription ● Using IV infusion equipment ● Caring for a patient in Recovery Words and phrases: Alert and oriented 意识清醒 Anaesthetic 麻醉剂 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 冠心病监护室 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 重症监护室 Oxygen mask 氧气面罩 Post Anaesthesia Care Unit(PACU) 麻醉苏醒室 Prompts: Can you open your eyes, please? I’ll just take off your oxygen mask. Do you know where you are? Are you warmer now? Are you in any pain? Do you feel sick at the moment? ●Returning a patient to the ward Words and phrases: Blanket 毯子 Dressing 敷料 Ice pack 冰袋 IV cannula 静脉内套管 Light Pain relief /painkiller/pain meds/analgesia止痛药 Pillow 枕头 Vomit bowl 痰盂 How are you feeling? Say how you are feeling Say what you will do Thank nurse …/still hurt? Reply Say what you will do Thank nurse How /the dressing/cannula/catheter? Reply Say what you will do Thank nurse Useful prompts: ●Talking about pain 疼痛的两种表达方法: 1.身体部位+ache 2.Sore + 身体部位 eg. Headache Stomach ache toothache eg. Sore throat Sore shoulder sore arm Sentence patterns: My lower back is really aching I’v got a terrible headache. I’v got a really bad stomach ache My knee hurts a bit. It’s quite sore and it aches. I’v got a bit of sore throat. It’s really painful. My hands ache a lot. Describing pain My chest’s really painful/aching/sore. I’v got a terrible stomach ache. My foot’s very painful. My hands hurt a lot. My leg aches/hurts quite a bit. My hand’s quite painful/sore. I’v got a bit of a sore throat. I’v got a slight headache. My back doesn’t hurt at all Severe pain Mild pain No pain *


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