新标准综合英语1 unit 5 reading 2.ppt

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新标准综合英语1 unit 5 reading 2

Love Poems Active Reading 2 Questions and answers 1 Who is the poet speaking to in each poem? 2 In which poem is the poet offering a gift? 3 In which poem is the poet describing a lifelong relationship? 4 In which poem is the poet describing his dreams about love? Questions and answers 1 Who is the poet speaking to in each poem? A marriage: to anyone, including perhaps himself, in a monologue. Valentine: to the person receiving the Valentine gift. He wishes for the cloths of heaven: to the person he loves. Questions and answers 2 In which poems is the poet offering a gift? In “Valentine” (the gift is an onion). 3 In which poem is the poet describing a lifelong relationship? In “A marriage” (the relationship is at least 50 years long) 4 In which poem is the poet describing his dreams about love? In “He wishes for the cloths of heaven”. A MARRIAGE We met under a shower of bird-notes. Fifty years passed, loves moment in a world in servitude to time. She was young; I kissed with my eyes closed and opened them on her wrinkles. 我们相遇 在鸟鸣的 阵雨之下。 五十年过去—— 时光主宰的 尘世间 爱的一瞬间。 她曾经年轻; 我闭上眼睛 亲吻,睁开时 见她已满脸皱纹。 A MARRIAGE Come, said death, choosing her as his partner for the last dance. And she, who in life had done everything with a birds grace, opened her bill now for the shedding of one sigh no heavier than a feather. “来吧,” 死神说着, 选中她做 最后一场舞的 舞伴。她呢, 平生 以鸟儿的优雅姿态 已做完了一切, 此刻张开喙 丢下 一声叹息 轻如羽毛。 A MARRIAGE 1. What does a shower usually refer to? And what does it refer to in the poem? It usually refers to rain (or washing oneself), but here it refers to the sounds of birdsong. So the sounds of the birds are compared to rain. shed v. n. shed v. n. A MARRIAGE 2. What happens when the woman sheds a sigh? She dies. Images behind Poems 1. What image is behind this poe


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