新标准大学英语Book2 Unit1 college culture.ppt

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新标准大学英语Book2 Unit1 college culture

Useful expressions 一阵烟雾 刺激的经历 将······变成 持不同意见的少数人 暴力冲突 与······联盟 发动了一场大罢工 创造意识的觉醒 实现······目标 Useful expressions 一阵烟雾 刺激的经历 将······变成 持不同意见的少数人 暴力冲突 与······联盟 发动了一场大罢工 创造意识的觉醒 实现······目标 a haze of smoke stimulating experience transform… into dissident minority violent clashes form an alliance with launch a general strike creative awakening achieve one’s aim of Useful expressions 10.辍学 令人头脑发热的气氛 从高到低的顺序 就业前景 实现目的的手段 同道好友 热爱······ 与······的距离缩小 10. drop out the heady atmosphere in descending order employability prospects a means to an end like-minded friends have a passion for The gap between… and… has shrunk Text organization Text Organization Text Organization Text Organization Text Organization Comprehending the text Group 1 read Para. 1-4 to check the true statements about the 1960s. Comprehending the text Group 2 read Para. 5-7 to check the true statements about the UK today. Language Points establishment n. the most important and powerful people in a country or in a section of society the process of starting or creating something such as an organization Figure out the meaning of underlined words. The literary establishment generally looks down on artists. John was eager to establish good relations with the business community. (3) Reagan quickly established himself as a promising film actor. (4) It’s an old established family firm. protest n. v. (1) a strong complaint or disagreement (2) something such as a meeting by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc. Figure out the meaning of underlined words. (1) The organization has made a formal protest against the nuclear testing. We accepted the agreement without protest. The decision raised a storm of protest among students. (4) I went to the doctor under protest. Difficult sentences 1. The liberals replied that it was the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities which made universities great. Difficult sentences 2. These days political, social and creative awakening s


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