新概念1 L131-132课件.ppt

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新概念1 L131-132课件

He may be… He may have been… I’m not sure. Egypt New words and expressions abroad adv. 国外 We may go abroad. His son is now studying abroad. Ive never lived abroad before. go abroad?出国,到国外 study abroad ?留学 travel abroad?到国外旅行 from abroad?从国外来的,从海外来的 He just returned from abroad.? 我们可能出国。 他的儿子现在正在国外学习。 我以前从来没有在国外生活过。 他刚刚从国外回来。 worry v. 担扰 be worried about... be worried that... worried???adj.?烦恼的,焦虑的 My wife always worries too much. 我妻子总是忧心重重。 Dont worry,everything will be ok soon. 不要担心,一切都会好起来的。 Shes worried that she might lose her job. 她担心自己会丢了那份工作。 课文讲解 MARTIN:Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary? 1. be going to?将来时态的表达方式之一表示打算,计划或安排去做某事。 2. spend v.?花费时间,金钱,度过时光,假日等 spend+money/time +on sth. spend+ time + (in) diong sth.? eg:She spends three hours on study every day.? 她每天花三个小时在学习上 She spends a lot of money on clothes.? 她把大量的钱花在(买)衣服上 ????She spends three hours studying English every day.? 她每天花三个小时学习英语。 spend?当“度过”讲时句型结构为: ?????spend + n.(时光、假日)+地点状语 eg:I spent my childhood in a small town.? 我在一个小城镇度过了我的童年。 I am going to spend my holidays in Sydney.?我打算到悉尼度假 。 GARY:We may go abroad. Im not sure. My wife wants to go to Egypt. Id like to go there, too. We cant make up our minds. 1、情态助动词may表示可能性“可能,也许,或许“ may和might都表示“可能、也许”,might所表示的可能性要比may小,且当情况是虚拟时只能用might而不能用may。 A.may表示现在或将来的可能性:may+动词原形 --It may snow tomorrow.?明天也许会下雪。 --If I’m busy, I may not go.?如果我忙的话,也许就不去 The bread may be fresh.? He may be reading. B.may也可表示过去的可能性:may have (done) He was late. He may have been busy. 他迟到了,大概是太忙了。 2. be sure??肯定 be sure of / about +n.??对……有把握 be sure that???肯定,确信 be sure to do??肯定,一定,务必 ???? eg: He is sure of success.? 他确信他会成功。 ??????We are sure that he is innocent.? 我们确信他是无辜的 ??????Be sure to call me at 5 o`clock.? 五点务必打电话给我 make sure 确信 证实 to be sure 肯定,的确,固然 ,后面多接but 3、would like to do sth. 乐于干某事,想做某事 would like sth. 想吃(喝,得到)某物 4、make up one`s mind 下决心,决


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