新概念3,第一课,a puma at large.ppt

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新概念3,第一课,a puma at large

Lesson 1 a puma at large 单词理解 Spot : v catch sight of、pick out 、see、recognize A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. The TV program is hoping someone will spot the accused killer. 他有敏锐的识别错误的眼睛。 he has good eyes for spotting mistakes. 同义词辨析: Spot: see,看出识别 Find:强调发现结果 Find out:查出事实真相 Discover:作出重大发现 Notice:注意到 Observe:观察 Watch:观看比赛或者活动中画面 Spot: n There is a spot on his shirt. Her face is covered with lots of spots. Her face is full of lots of freckles. on the spot :immediately立刻马上、at once; 在现场。 Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. Because of her beauty, I spotted her on the spot . Wherever he is needed , he is on the spot. 乾坤大挪译 那些在抗震中受伤的士兵被立刻送往医院。在医院救治过程中,所有的主治医生都在在现场。 The soldiers wounded in the anti-earthquake struggle were sent to the hospital on the spot, and during the operation, all the chief doctors of the hospital were on the spot. Evidence:n proof Evident明显的,显然的 Evidently As the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. 当警察赶到时,他已经把证据给销毁 When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence. Be in evidence 显而易见的 A crying baby is much in evidence. 他在晚会上很显眼 He was in evidence at the party. 他的所作所为让他在社团中很突出。 What he has done makes him be in evidence in association. Accumulate : v get or gather together collect or gather By working hard you may accumulate a fortune. 这份工作给了他积累了宝贵的经验的机会。 The job gives him a chance to accumulate precious experience. 中国政府积累了很多应对突发事件的经验。 Chinese government has already accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with emergency. 近义词辨析:accumulate、collect、gather、assemble Accumulate:积累、积淀、注重积累过程 Collect:收集、采集 Gather:召集、集合 Assemble:集合、集中(与gather意思相近) Jay Chou has collected many old cars. The teacher gathered his students in the classroom. The students often gather in this bar. The students assembled in the classroom. Oblige:vt make somebody feel


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