新概念4 Lesson 1 Finding fossil man.pptx

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新概念4 Lesson 1 Finding fossil man

Welcome to New Concept English Ⅳ ; 教学目标(3个帮助) 接触不同体裁的文章,主要是说明文和议论文两种。 帮助大家学习和熟悉这两种文体的写作特点及其语言风格。 2. 在语篇中讲解语言难点和关键句型,帮助大家加深对课文的理解。 3. 兼顾应用性词汇及句型的讲解,帮助大家提高语言运用能力。;Lesson 1 Finding fossil man;In this lesson, we will talk about the methods available to us for learning about the distant past. 通过学习第一课,我们知道科学家用什么方法来了解远古历史。;整篇课文的内容: 这是一篇科普知识说明文(descriptive essay on science knowledge) 说明人类学家和考古学家主要通过3种方法来了解远古历史的。 课文共3段: 1段用具体例子说明了解远古历史的前2种方法:通过文字记载和口传下来的传奇故事(written records and the sagas) 2段是过渡段,提出问题以引出下一段。没有文字记载又没有口头传说的话,考古学家如何了解人类的起源呢?(How do archaeologists find out where the first modern men came from) 3段回应第2段的问题,考古学家可以利用远古人的石头工具来研究原始人的来历。远古人的石头工具(stone tools made by ancient people) 科普文体的语言,用词准确,句法结构清楚,注重客观描述,不带任何感情色彩,本课要重点观察不同形式的定于从句的运用。;After the reading, ask the question again: Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful?;Answer the question What are the methods available to us for learning about the distant past?;Finding fossil man (title) — an animal or plant that died many thousands years ago and that has been preserved in rock 化石 Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources. 环境学家希望用再生能源代替矿物燃料。 (煤,石油,天然气) a fossil 一个顽固不化的人;preserve — to keep from changing or being lost 保护,保存 In most countries, the money to preserve ancient buildings and works of art comes from tourism, but tourism can also destroy the things we seek to preserve. 在多数国家,保存古建筑和艺术品的费用来自旅游业,但旅游业同时也能破坏我们极力想保护的东西。 We should have more panda preserves. 熊猫保护区;modern man 指一万年以前中石器时期的人,他们当时已经长得接近现代人 shape - to form sth. into a particular shape 使成形 (形式主动含有被动意义的动词) 如:This book is selling quickly. Whats showing at the cinema this week?;rotted (vi.) rot away 烂掉了;不见踪影 不可用作adj. decayed adj. decay (vi.) — to be slowly destroyed as a result of a natural process of change 腐烂 Too much sugar will rot / decay your teeth. 蛀牙 As dead trees decay / rot, they feed the soil, providing a home for mushrooms and insects, so that the cycle of life begins again. 死树腐烂后使


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