新概念Lesson 5 No wrong numbers.ppt

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新概念Lesson 5 No wrong numbers

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers phrases 1 have just bought 刚刚买 2 new garage 新车库 3 twelve pigeons 12只鸽子 4 cover the distance 走过全程 5 up to now 直到现在 6 a great many requests 很多请求 7 from one to the other 从一个到另一个 8 in this way 通过这种方式 9 begin one’s own service 开始私人业务 have just done Mr. James Scott has a garage in silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. What have you been doing recently? I have just ____(刚买一只钢笔). I have just ____(参加一个英语大赛). I have just ____(去动物园). I have just ____ (看一部英文电影) garage n.车库,汽车修理部 my house miles away from…离…多远 Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought 12 pigeons. How far is your home from your school? 你家离学校有多远? five miles away from My school is only 2 minutes’ walk away from where I live. 我家离学校走两分钟就到. 鸽子代表和平 message n. 信息 Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. message 信息 The headmaster is not available at the moment, would you like to leave a message? / Can I take a message for him? 校长现在不在,你留个口信好吗?/ 我能带个口信吗? 同: information word news cover the distance 飞/走过全程 The bird covered the distance in three minutes. How long does it take from S.Y. to D.L.? 从沈阳到大连有多远? The plane covered the distance in 40 minutes. 飞机只飞了四十分钟. The train covered the distance in 4 hours. 火车要走4个多小时. I covered the distance in 4 months 我要走四个月. distance n.距离 International long – distance call 国际长途 Long distance bus 长途汽车 Up to now 直到现在 Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests from spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. So far 到目前为止 Till now Request n.请求 Lesson 16 A polite request 礼貌的请求 In this way, he has begun his own pr


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