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新概念英语2A Lesson-30 It’s a mystery to me! Pronunciation /∫/ share sheep dish wash special /t∫/ chair cheap catch watch teacher New words and Expression instead game ride nap a day out holiday instead of play game ride a bicycle have a nap two days out have a holiday Pattern practice 1 a bath /a shower/this morning A: Did William have a bath this morning? B: Yes, he did. A: Did he have a shower. B: No, he didn’t. Picture-15th a day out with friends/a day at home/last week A: Did Karen have a day out with friends last week? B: Yes, he did. A: Did she have a day at home? B: No ,he didn’t. 2 a bath /a shower/this morning A: Did William have a shower? B: No, he didn’t have a shower. he had a bath instead. Picture—50th two days off work/a week’s holiday/a fortnight ago A: Did Jack have two days off work a fortnight ago? B: No ,he didn’t have two days off work. He had a week’s holiday instead. 3 a bath /a shower/this morning A: When did William have a bath? B: He had a bath this morning. Picture—40th a nap/a meeting/ yesterday afternoon A: When did Daisy have a nap? B: He had a nap yesterday afternoon. 4 a bath /a shower/this morning A: Why didn’t William have a shower this morning? B: He didn’t want a shower, so he had a bath instead. Picture—60th a holiday in Italy/ten days in London/last summer. A: Why didn’t Karen and William have a holiday in Italy last summer? B: They didn’t want a holiday I, so they had ten days in London instead. Sentence table Sentence structure 1 Did you…(good trip)? 2 Marcel’s deputy…(baby/two months). 3 I didn’t want …(three-hour lunch/serious business/ pairs). 4 How…(time/civilised life/ work as well)? Listening Anna: Is the intercom on, Janey? Janey: No, it’s off. Don’t worry! Mr. Austen can’t hear us. Anna: Thank Goodness! Oh Janey, it as awful! “Anna, Janey, we all have all our troubles.” Oh dear, it was terrible! Anna:No, it wasn’t! It was just funny. Mr. Austen doesn’t worry about little thing


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