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before awful again speak answer phone 清念 /t/ ,元浊/d/ , want /id/ /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/ ed ed need 他们前天夜里给我打电话了。 They telephoned me the night before last. They didn’t telephone me the night before last. 笔记 Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. They telephoned me the night before last. Did they telephone me the night before last? Exercise A Break Time Ron Marston 朗.马斯顿 [r??] [ m???t?] Pauline 波琳 [?p??li?] Question: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o’clock? Text Time What’s Ron Marton like? …怎么样? What be sb. like? Sb. be adj. is He’s awful. is 一般现在时 be 实义V. 非单三:V.原 (do) 单三:V.s (does) He’s awful.一般疑问句 不共用 次数: 数字+times 六次: six times telephone sb/sw He telephoned me four times yesterday. 变否定句 宾 answer the telephone My boss answered the telephone.变否定句 He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. 变一般疑问句 现在进行时 情态动词can 某人做过……? What did sb. do +过去时间? Sb. V.ed……. say to 说的内容,结果 speak to说的对象,常用于 电话中问可以和…说话吗? I arrived home at six o’clock yesterday evening.变否定句 He telephoned again. 变一般疑问句 But I didn’t answer the phone.变肯定句 Did he telephone again last night?变肯定句 He telephoned at nine o’clock.变否定句 在电话中 “我是…” This is… This is Penny (speaking). Who’s that? 问打电话人是谁? Hello,“May I speak to Mike,please?” “This is Mike speaking,_______” Who are you? B.Who’ that? C.And you? D. Who’ speaks? B 我可以和…说话吗?May I speak to…? * Test Time Recitation Time Revision Time 一般过去时 was were 过去状态 含义: be 时间状语: yesterday last … I. Dictation 1.选出你所听到的句子( ) A.Was he just in car No.15 C B.Was he just in car No.18 C.Was he just in car No.13 2. 听写 1) Where were you on Tuesday? 2) Was it an exciting finish? 3) There are two races here every year. B 3) There are two races here every year. II. 辨音 1.( ) A. baker B. stand C. baby D. way [ei] [?] [ei] [ei] C 2. ( ) A. Denmark B. spend


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