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illusion n. 幻想,错觉 She is under the illusion that he is honest though he is cheating her. We live under no illusion that country life is beautiful 幻觉 I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion. 错误的信仰(或观念) It is an illusion to think that all wisdom is contained in books. illusioned adj.充满幻想的 Eg: The world of children is illusioned. illusionary adj. 错觉的,幻觉的 Eg: Don’t believe in him. What he said is illusionary picture. breed v. 培育 vt. breed / bred / bred 生育; 繁殖 Rabbits breed quickly. 饲养, 培养 The parents are trying to breed their son a musician. War breeds misery and ruin. cause / lead / result in / give rise to rapture n. 欣喜 in raptures(about/ over sth. ) (对……) 欣喜若狂 We are in raptures over the new books. 我们十分喜爱这些新书。 go into raptures(over/ about/ at sth. ) (对……)感到非常的高兴! He went into raptures when he heard the good news. delight 高兴,喜悦,程度强于joy, 但不如rapture,也不如rapture那么正式, mention vt.??提到,?说起 Speaking of Macao, it is necessary to mention lotus flowers. Paul is highly intelligent, not to mention good-looking and rich. 保罗学识渊博,更不用说他还英俊富有呢! n.??提及,?说起 He made no mention of having met her. 他不提他曾经和她见面。 at the mention of at the sight of 一看到 at the touch of 一触及到 at the news of 一听到 at the sound of 一听到 extol v.??颂扬 The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory. 称赞 He keeps extolling her managerial skills. They extol the virtues of the peaceful life. superior adj. 优越的(无比较级和最高级) be superior to 比…优越 In my opinion, town life is superior to country life. be inferior to 比…低,不如… Country life is inferior to city life. glint n.??闪烁 He came up to me with the glint of triumph in his eye. He had a wicked glint in his eye. v.??闪耀,?闪闪发光 The gold was glinting in the sunlight. The sea glinted in the sun. idyllic adj. 田园诗的,田园的 Dont you think that sounds idyllic? This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life. 在局外人看来这好像是一种田园式的生活。 virtually adv.??实际上,几乎 It is virtuall


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