新概念二Lesson 70 Red for Danger.ppt

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新概念二Lesson 70 Red for Danger

Lesson 70 Red for danger phrases 1 during a bullfight 2 a drunk 3 wander in 4 be unaware of 5 catch sight of 6 apparently… 7 get close to 8 by this time 9 look sympathetic 在一场斗牛中 一个酒鬼 徘徊进来 不确认 看见 很显然 接近 到这次的时候 看起来可怜的样子 Spanish bullfight Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known, although at the same time most polemical Spanish popular customs. bull n.公牛 During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. Chicago Bull NBA bull – cow – ox drunk n.醉鬼 drunk – alcohol – alcoholic wander v.闲逛,游荡 wander: move around in an area or go from place without any purpose or destination; roam We wandered around for hours looking for the house. Wander – hang out ring v. / n. 打铃,打电话,戒指,圈 Almost everyone can hear the sound when big bell in church was rung.教堂的大钟被敲响时,几乎所有的人都能听到。 shout v. 喊叫 The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. shout Don’t shout at me. scream Everybody is screaming for an ice cream. yell No yelling. cry Don’t cry for Argentina. call I just call to say I love you. scream I scream you scream we all scream For ice cream Catch sight of The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. to see : view : seize The teacher came into the classroom suddenly caught sight of the student who…. Apparently ad.很显然 Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. apparently… obviously… automatically… naturally … It is obvious that… sensitive 敏感的a. sense 感觉 嗅觉 sense of smelling 味觉 sense of taste 视觉 sense of sight 听觉 sense of hearing 感觉 sense of feelings grow quiet The crowd suddenly grew quiet.grow quiet : get / turn / become… seemed quite sure看起来很确信 The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself. Not sure I’ m not sure. I’m n


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