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Lesson18 Electric Currents in Modern Art 现代艺术中的电流 本文主要说明了现代艺术雕像将电流应用其中给人们造成的震撼。 New words and expressions current n. 电流 sculpture n. 雕塑 mistaken adj. 错误的 gallery n. 美术馆 exhibit n. 展品,陈列品 oddly adv. 古怪的 attach v. 连,系 sphere n. 球体 magnetize v. 使磁化 repel v. 排斥 flicker v. 闪烁 emit v. 放射 flash v. 闪光 prehistoric adj. 史前的,老掉牙的 electronic adj. 电子的 peculiar adj. 奇异的 shock v. 令人震惊,刺激人 emotionally adv. 感情上 current n. 电流 典型范例 electric current 电流 / water current 水流/ air current 气流 Current news ( the latest naws )最新消息 / current affairs ( events )时事 The current animal year 本命年 / current assets 流动资产( fixed assets 固定资产) sculpture n. 雕塑 典型范例 a sculpture of Venus 维纳斯雕塑 近义表达 statue 塑像,塑像(用木、石、铜制成,常与真人、真物大小一样或更大) The statue of liberty 自由女神像 mistaken adj. 错误的 gallery n. 美术馆 联想记忆 art gallery 美术馆/ stadium (常指有看台的)体育馆/ gymnasium (gym)体育馆,健身房。 exhibit n. 展品,陈列品 oddly adv. 古怪的 attach v. 连,系 典型范例 Wires are attached to the ends of the electrodes.电线被连接到电极两端。 He attached a label to each piece of baggage.他将标签系在一件行李上。 固定搭配attach importance to / attach significance to 重视 He did not seem to attach any importance to the puestion. 他似乎不重视这个问题。 Attach sth. to sth. / be attached to sth.把····连在····上面 联想记忆fix sth. to sth. / be fixed to sth. 使固定,放在固定位置上。 The chairs and tables were fixed to the floor .桌椅放置在地板上 Fasten sth. to sth. / be fastened to sth. 栓,扣,系 Our bags were fastened to the roof of the car with thick ropes.我们的包用粗绳捆在小车顶上。 sphere n. 球体 magnetize v. 使磁化 repel v. 排斥 flicker v. 闪烁 典型范例 The candle flikered.烛光摇曳。 近义表达 flash 闪光,闪亮,闪现。 His voice was determined ;his eyes were flashing.他声音很坚定,眼睛里闪着光。 The electric sign flashed on and off.霓虹灯招牌一闪一闪的。 An idea flared into his mind.他的脑海里闪过一个念头。 Flare (火焰)摇曳燃烧,闪烁 The torch flared in darkness.火把在黑暗中闪耀。 Glare 发出强光,耀眼,眩目 The sun glared down on us on the beach.海边烈日炎炎。 Glitter闪闪发光(没有glare那么强烈。 All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不是金子。 Blaze 发(强)光,放光彩,熊熊燃烧 She was blazing with indignation.他勃然大怒。 emit v. 放射 典型范例 emit a cloud of smoke 发出一团烟雾 / emit heat 发热


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