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Complete v.完成;使完成 adj. 完成的,结束的 这个工作还没有完成 The work is not completed yet . 这是一个完成的故事 Eg : This is a complete story 这间房子是我个月前完工的 Eg: The house was completed five month ago . Modern adj.现代的,新式的,时髦的。 现代城市 modern city 现代史 modern history 一位打扮时髦的女士 A modern lady Ancient 古代的 Strange adj. 奇异的,奇怪的;陌生的,生疏的。 Eg : a strange sound 他站的这条街对他来说很陌生 Eg: The street he stood is strange to him. 他读这本书的时候,有种奇怪的感觉。 Eg: He found it strange to read this novel. District n.行政区;地域;区域 他不住在这个区 She doesn’t live in this district. A postal district 邮政区 Dwelling district 居住区 Commercial district 商业区 2)there be 使用就近原则, 而have则由主语决定 桌子上有两本书和一支笔。 There a pen and two books on the desk. =There two books and a pen on the desk. 3)there be与have不能连用 明天我们学校有一场运动会。 There a sports meeting in our school tomorrow. is are will be 3.总结系动词 1)一般在句子中用副词修饰动词或动词短语,但应该用形容词来修饰系动词。 我认真的听这首曲子,它听起来很美。 I listened to the music , and it sounds . 2系动词分类:感官动词sound look smell taste feel “变得”become turn go “保持”keep remain stay 虽然他的奶奶一个人住,但他从不感到孤独。 Though his grandmother ,she never . carefully beautiful lives alone feels lonely 感官动词 feel(感觉/摸起来) look(看起来), sound(听起来), taste(吃起来/味道)tasty smell(闻起来/气味)smelly stinky example: 它摸起来感觉很柔软。 It feels soft. 你今天看起来很精神。 You look so good today. Translation: 1. 这个主意听起来不错。 2. 这个菜尝起来味道很好。 3. 啊,这朵花闻起来很糟糕。 4. 这摸起来很光滑。 5. 他看起来挺有钱的。 6. What stinks?! a pencil a pear a book a banana a pencil case Beijing Shanghai Boston Toronto Moscow What is the weather like in …? It’s … what time is it now? 6:10 6:25 6:40 7:00 4:05 17:00 (5 p.m.) 18:00 (6 p.m.) 7:15 9:20 9:30 How far is it from your school to your house ? It’s about two kilometers. How far is it from ________ to _________? It is 92 km from _______ to _________. Beijing Tianjin Shangha


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