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How often do you take a taxi? What is the advantage(优势) or disadvantage of taking a taxi? the Plough 北斗七星 他抛弃了他的妻子和孩子到深圳打工了。 He deserted his wife and children and went to work in Shenzhen. ★roof 1、n.房顶 pl.roofs Have no roof over one’s head=have no place to live 没有地方住 ★roof 2、n.最高处 the roof of the world世界屋脊 the roof of the mouth上颚 3)ceiling 天花板 hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 hit the roof 大发雷霆/暴跳如雷 raise the roof 闹翻了天 under sb’s roof 在某人家做客;寄人篱下;在某人照应下 ★ flat 1. n I hope to have a flat of my own. 2.adj. The earth is round, not flat. 地球是圆的,不是平的。 3.adj. flat tyre 瘪了的轮胎 Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. un-: 前缀,不,未,非,反 Eg: able—unable, happy-unhappy lucky—unlucky begin a new service 开始一项新业务 a mail service /a postal service after-sale service Questions taxi taxi driver 搭的士/搭巴士/搭便车 take a taxi take a bus take a lift Pilatus Porter (飞机机名) land v. 着陆 land on 在…着陆 1)n.[u] 陆地,土地,地 land←→sea、water ground ←→sky farming land 农业用地 building land 建筑用地 mother land/home land/native land ★land v. 1.着陆2.卸货3.落入 The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。 The pilot landed the plane safely. 飞行员将飞机安全着陆。 The ship landed the goods at Shanghai. 船在上海卸货。 The ball landed in the lake.球落入湖中。 plough [plau] 耕地 农田farm / field plough a field/ plough up a field 耕田 They plough in spring 他们在春耕。 lonely adj. lonely adj. 孤单的, 人迹罕见的 alone adj. 单独的,独自的 我独自一人,但我并不孤独。 I am alone but I am not lonely. desert[di’z?:t] v 废弃,抛弃 deserted adj. 废弃的 a deserted house 一间废弃工厂 a deserted factory desert [‘dez?t] n. 沙漠 the Sahara dessert [diz?:t] n. 甜品 ★ block n.1.[c]n.(木,石,金属等的)大块 a block of marble 一块大理石 2.[c]n.大建筑物,大楼(内有许多相互独立的公寓或办公室) a block of flats 一栋公寓楼 3.街区,四面街道围成一大片建筑物,或指此类建筑群一边的长度(美) Eg.The two buildings share the block.这两幢建筑物整整占满了这个街区 put up a road block 设置路障; a block in traffic 交通阻塞; a block of block 一块石头 Turn left after two blocks. 走过两个街区后往左拐。 It’s three blocks from my house to school. 从我家到学校有三


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